Isadora, Yule 1990, a few months after the dual release
of The Queen of Earth and Sky and Priestess of the
Pentacle. The partly-decorated tree is hung
with a paper Santa made by daughter Andred.

Album preview!
Three Carols for Yule:
Masters in This Hall * The Holly King * Our Lady Greensleeves
Download Masters in This Hall, a full-length MP3!
©1990, 2010
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Isadoras little brother starting to hand out
Yule presents at the family farm, about 1978.
Isadora in one of her own hand-knit sweaters,
at a friends apartment, about 1977.
Stay tuned for Isadora's forthcoming new album
Goddess Rest Ye Merry Gentlefolk, and visit the page for the title track.
See more Yuletide photos...
* * *Halloween* * *
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